Friday, September 30, 2022

Church is Full of Hypocrites

 The church is full of hypocrites. 

There, I said it, or rather, my Dad said it. It was one of his "Dadisms" whenever I asked him to attend church with our family. Exasperated one day, I asked him what he meant. Dad was a kind man. To many, who liked to judge, he hadn't lived a "Christian" life.

All of his missteps had been on the outside. You see, Dad was an alcoholic. Having alcoholism makes you act out in a certain way at times. For some people, if you are normally hard-working, can make your work history sporadic. It can make you do things out of character to get money for alcohol because that is all-consuming, your guiding star. Unless Jesus is put in that driver's seat, Alcohol sits there and commands your mind. That isn't what this article is about though. Not really. 

It is about judgment. The judgment Dad made about Church folks. I've got a whole different lecture about the judgment church folk made on my father, believe me!

Anyway, Once I understood that Dad thought everyone going to church thought themselves blameless and without sin. I understood some things. He thought that also. He thought SOME of the people sitting in those pews were sinless. Any student of the word, KNOWS  that to be false. I told him, we sit in those pews because we all sin. 


The other enlightenment I had was that because he believed that you had to be pure before you entered a church, he didn't feel he was worthy to do so. Even though, he knew from personal experience there were people sitting in those pews not living the life Christ prescribed because they were persecuting him and making him not feel worthy.

Let me caution you that some of us wear our sins on the outside and some on the inside. If you are living your life for Christ, the gift he gives you is for discernment, not for judgment. There is a difference that I caution you about, dear brothers and sisters.

If you are sitting there today at home not feeling worthy of joining in worship because someone has shamed you for your lifestyle or for a disease, or for any other sin against man or God, I say come. Shame on that Christian. It is not your cross to bear. We all stand before God only to answer for our own individual sins. You should be welcome in the house of God.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Creative Corner

Congratulations to OMAR ABED

upon publication of his book, You, Me, and a Tree.

Two people care for a seed as it grows into a tree. In return, the tree nurtures their relationship!


Do You LOOK Like a Christian?


“My Neighbors Bible”

I am my neighbor’s Bible
He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home
Tomorrow, in the street.
He may be a relative or a friend,
Or slight acquaintance be;
He may not even know my name,
Yet he is reading me,
And pray, who is this neighbor,
Who reads me day by day,
To learn if I am living right,
And walking as I pray?
Oh, he is with me always,
To criticize or blame;
So worldly-wise in his own eyes,
And “Sinner” is his name.
Dear Christian friends and brothers,
If we could only know
How faithful the world records
Just what we say and do;
Oh, we would write our record plain,
And come in time to see
Our worldly neighbor won to Christ
While reading you and me.

Author Unknown

I have always loved this poem. I read it first in a church cookbook, of all places. It carries a heavy message though, do your neighbor, your co-workers, and your fellow shoppers at Walmart and Target, know you to be a person of faith by your actions? Does the person in the car you just cut off, know you to be the person of compassion, kindness, and humility you profess to be on Sunday mornings?

Do the children you are raising, or the other children you go to school with, know you are a person of faith? You need not speak of Jesus. You only need to act like Jesus and let His love shine to spread your faith. YOU are your neighbor's Bible.

Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

Colossians 3:12

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Speak Lord, for Your servant, is listening.

 Speak Lord, for Your servant, is listening. I Samuel 3:9

Speak, Lord

Since I've read this passage in my daily devotions, it has resonated within my heart. How often do we speak without listening during the day?

How often do we pray without pausing to listen for God's answer?

So very often, I have heard people tell me how ineffective prayer is; that they have prayed to no avail. I disagree. More often, we have not gotten the answer we want, so we assume God wasn't listening. 

When a loved one passes after we have prayed so fervently for a miracle, didn't God fail you then? I say no. I was in such a position at 19. I lost my Mother. I must admit to some anger at the time. My entire family came together to pray at the time of her diagnosis. We are a family of prayer warriors.

I was encouraged. Nothing would happen. She would be ill for a while, but through all of the anguish and hard work of caretaking for her, I never lost hope. We were all good people, pulling together in one direction. She was the glue that bound us together. The eldest in her family, a loving Christian family that adored her. Nine short months after her diagnosis, she passed, leaving a 19 and a 17-year-old stunned and grief-stricken. 

Why had God forsaken me? In my narcissistic teenage thoughts, I forgot Mom had a husband, another daughter, mother, father, sisters, brothers, nieces, and nephews, all grieving. Because I lost my way, I had no support. I couldn't see that what God had done was release Mom from all her pain. Could she have been praying for the release?

In the years since, I have come to realize, my mother, pulled off somewhat of a miracle herself. I raised six children. I am now in my sixties and I worry about the qualityof my work. However, my mom managed to give me enough information that I was able to keep house and raise my children with more than enough confidence for most of my adult life!

I could have saved myself so much pain early in my adult life if only I were still and listened to God. To HIS will.

There are smaller examples.

One year, my husband and I had added to our family and desperately needed a new car. We found a Ford Taurus that had just rolled off the assembly line and it is no exaggeration to say we were coveting that car. We visited the dealership several times while the salesman tried everything to make our small check cover the cost. We prayed. The deal fell through. We were devastated.

What we couldn't see in our future: We were military and were handed unexpected orders a short time later to a much more expensive area. Our budget never would have let us keep a new car. At our new duty station, the new church welcomed us with open arms. When I was due to deliver our sixth son, a friend took me aside and said they had a second car they had no use for and wanted to give it to us for a low cost, knowing another child would not fit into our car! What a God send!

God saw our needs. He answered. Not in the way we wanted, but in His time. In His way. Several years later, when my husband made more rank, we were able to buy another car so that we could go places together in one car, and it was delightful! However, we will always be thankful that He was watching over us when we needed it the most and sent earth angels to assist us.

Speak Lord, for your servant, is listening.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

 Luna's Green Pet

Congratulations to Kristen Pendriegh and her Illustrator Carmen Mok on the publican of their book, LUNA'S GREEN PET!

Thank you to Vivian Kirkfield for bringing this fabulous book to my attention and to Kristen and Carmen to bringing this book to life for our children!

Published by Sleeping Bear Press

Ages: 4-8

Themes: Pets, STEM, Environment

Synopsis: From Amazon:
Luna longs for a pet but the apartment building where she and her family life has a very strict NO PETS! policy. Not even goldfish are allowed. While her friends try to help with alternate pet suggestions, none interest Luna. Almost ready to give up, Luna spies in the trash something small, something green, something someone has discarded–a wilted plant. Perfect! Luna names her new pet Stephanie, confident she can nurse the plant back to health. When others question Stephanie’s suitability as a pet, Luna’s devotion is unwavering. She knows Stephanie is perfect just as she is. But will Luna’s love and care be enough to bring Stephanie to full health? And what are those strange bumps growing on her? Brought to life with warm, expressive artwork, this charming story of one young girl’s belief, determination, and out-of-the-box thinking is perfect for anyone who has ever wished for a how-to grow your own “Stephanie.”

1. I love stories that young children can relate to! Many children grow up in apartments where pets are not allowed. And even kids who lives in houses may be told ‘no’ when they ask if they can have a pet.
2. I love the STEM element of Luna taking care of a plant – and there is a back matter activity that encourages the child reader to grow their own ‘pet’.
3. The illustrations are full of heart and humor – and the color palette is very nature-friendly!


Photo courtesy:

Here’s a link to a fabulous website with loads of plant-based activities;, only to be told no. Back matter includes tips on how to grow your own “Stephanie.”

Friday, September 16, 2022


Help! My Child Is Out of Control!

Let me guess at the current scene in your home:

Every morning starts the same -you dread getting out of bed.  Discord, and fighting start the day as your stomach grinds. The constant verbal exchanges and bitterness from this child or teen are taking over the family. Perhaps the situation from unruliness and sassiness as a young child turned to drugs and breaking curfew as a teen. My advice? Forget About It.

Okay, that is an oversimplification. I know you've cried. I know you've done everything you can think of doing. You might have even visited rehab units, and therapists, or had your child on medications. Some of this may be necessary. I am not a medical professional, but there is one thing that I know is vitally important, especially for the parent and grandparent in these situations for their mental health and for the recovery of the child, yet is usually overlooked.

God gave you the ultimate "set-it-and-forget it" answer. You need to pray and let go. Praying is easy. Letting go is the hard part.

I have taught a class with a very powerful way to pray: Put your child's name in scripture. What is their offense? Are they sassy? You could use Ephesians 4:29 Do not let (insert name utter) any unwholesome talk out of their mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.(NIV)

Let me assure you, Dear Parent, for every problem in your household there is an answer in the Bible. If you are unable to find it on your own, your minister can guide you. If you do not have a minister of your own, contact one at your local church. They will be more than willing to help. If you wish, drop a line with your email address alone and I will contact you privately. Prayer works miracles. I have seen it in my own life.

Second, I heard a life-changing bit of advice while raising my six children. I had noticed in the hustle and bustle of our days, getting them out the door for school and then homework, dinner, baths, stories, and bedtime, that there were days I did not have a conversation with a child or two. I was stunned! 

Then I read how vitally important it was to spend a minimum of 10 minutes each day with each child in eye-to-eye contact, having a conversation with them. It makes sense, right? It makes everyone feel valued and seen. Sometimes at the dinner table, our quieter children never got a word in edge-wise!

Put down your phone tonight. Have a conversation with each of your children away from the television and electronics. An unrushed conversation. You will both be better for it! Then pray. The changes will happen. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but I promise, they will happen!

Thursday, September 15, 2022


Jacqueline Fieck

 I am so excited today! Have you ever had a passion that has led you down a path in life? Our passions can be used to bring beauty and joy to those who occupy this world with us. Our gifts and passions can be bodywork on a car, playing a musical instrument, singing, writing, painting, calligraphy, plumbing, horse-whispering, you name it! I’m going to be looking for some of those creatives. Searching for them and introducing them to you! I’m very lucky that I meet so many talented people in the circles I travel in. Many of them are writers, but not all. You’ll just have to stay tuned to see who I find!

 Today, we are going to meet Jacqueline Fieck. She is an author and an artist. Through her business, Uplifting Depictions, she teaches art classes and provides students an outlet for creativity and stress relief. Jacqueline’s goal in life is to not only serve God but also provide the people of this world with the healing and peace found only in Jesus! She strives to show kindness to others and help them out of the darkness of this world. She believes in the power of prayer and that the World of God is the standard for living life to the fullest. She encourages everyone to stay positive and stay focused on Jesus even through tough times filled with heartache.

Her latest book is a twisty – turny suspense-filled crime drama called Cat Got Your Tongue. The story begins after a young woman finds a stray cat roaming an alley near work. Locating the owner after some time, she finds he is a bitter billionaire with a broken heart. He treats her poorly, so she tells him off and leaves, hoping to never see him again. As fate would have it, the next day the rude man saves her life! When it seems he finally has a chance with her, his past rises from the once burnt ashes to burn him worse than ever.

It is available for purchase here:

For: ebook/$5.99. Paperback/ $19.99


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Our Cross To Bear


Our Cross To Bear

Our Cross-To Bear

Remember, you are only an instrument.Not yours to decide how or when or where you act.I plan all that. Make yourself very fit to do my work.All that hinders you must be cured.
~A.J. Russell in GOD CALLING

I was reminded this morning while reading my devotionals that each one of us was commanded to pick up the cross and follow Christ.
Each one of us, in our own way, has our own cross to bear in life. It may be many things – but one thing is clear: The burdens we endure are all for naught.
Perhaps our biggest burden is one of conscience – we are unable to do as instructed – to leave all of our burdens at the foot of his cross.
What does it take to be able to follow – wholly – his commandments to let his love and wisdom shine through and guide each moment of our lives? Submission; the realization that we cannot bear our burdens alone; a complete loss of self in decision making.
Every day we make decisions based upon what we think is right – without taking it to Christ. Oddly enough, we then expect God’s approval of our decisions.
This Easter season, my challenge is clear: to honor Christ’s sacrifice by trusting in him fully and leaving all of my burdens at the foot of his cross once and for all.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022





As I take my first step,
My foot kisses the floor.
With gratitude to the earth,
I walk in liberation.

- Andrew Weiss

How many of us are truly grateful for what we have been given?

I have asked quite a few people lately if they feel they are an optimist or pessimist and I couldn't find one person who thought they were a pessimist - yet the negative language abounds!
If I had any influence over a day, I'd ban certain words and phrases -
along with their mindsets - phrases such as "I CAN'T," & "IF ONLY,"
"It's Impossible!" Negative words such as stupid, bad, can't, never, etc. They all connotate a negative state of mind!
These phrases and words do nothing to benefit us, to make us see the possibilities instead of the impossibilities!
What you speak, you will think and what you think will become embedded
upon your heart.

If you make it a habit to speak & think positive,
happy thoughts, good and blessings will follow.
 The impossible will
become possible and your earthly load will be lightened in every
context of the word; Many stresses will be obsolete and your brief stay
on this earthly vessel will be filled with kindness and cheer.
What would you choose - a life filled with possibilities or impossibilities? Lightness, or Dark?
A brief tale of possibilities:
While my mother lie in a hospital bed, with cancer that had jumped from her lymph nodes to travel and invade almost every area of her body, most notably, it
had spread up her spine paralyzing her, I never heard a discouraging
word pass her lips.
Just the other day my sister and I spoke about a scene that had
imprinted upon our hearts: Strolling into her hospital room for a visit, both my sister and I were surprised to see a new addition to her room: Mom had a chart - one she had made to track her PHYSICAL THERAPY and roped out her journey to BE ABLE TO WALK AGAIN!
I asked my sister what her initial reaction was and amazingly, it was
identical to mine - we had to squelch the rolling of the eyes and the teenager's monotone "right, mom..." that was on our lips.
Mom was smiling. She was
always smiling. She BELIEVED! I'd like to tell you that her belief
turned into a long and happy life, with her children, grandchildren, and
great-grandchildren by her side. I can't.
What I can tell you is that although she had faced the reality of this spreading illness in her body - and knew the consequences only too well, she faced those consequences not with despair or futility, but with hope, grace, and determination.
Mom inspired others, but non more so than her own daughters. She
made her life happier, and more content because she stayed in charge of her
illness - it never defined her or limited her dreams. In those closing moments of her life, she chose to model a strength of character I've rarely seen since.
As Christians, don't we owe that contentment, that joy for life to ourselves and to those around us?
Today, be truly grateful, open your eyes wide and drink in the wonderful abundance you have!

Monday, September 12, 2022

A Stranger's Kindness


A Stranger's Kindness

A stranger's kindness spans the years!

As children, we are all taught the parable of the Good Samaritan. Few of us rarely put those words of wisdom to action in our own lives. During one of my darkest days, a group of men and women showed such love and kindness, it has rippled through my life and memories for more than 25 years.

Fleeing an abusive marriage and hesitant to confide in anyone and admit that things were perhaps not perfect in my life, I ran to the only person who I felt I could turn to without recrimination: my sister.
On the way from Southern California to South Carolina, by bus with an 8-month-old child in tow, I became seriously ill. I couldn't breath. I was nauseous and I was hungry. For the bus trip, (I believe it to be about 4-5 days), I had brought plenty of food, diapers, and formula for my daughter, but had only a few snack items for myself - and no money. I just had to get away!
By the time we reached Birmingham, Alabama for an extended layover, I got off the bus, hoping to get a drink of water and regain my equilibrium. Instead, station authorities became concerned and called 911.
Paramedics and firemen swarmed the bus station and I was the object of much-unwanted attention as they administered oxygen and pleaded with me to go with them to the hospital. My breathing and vital signs were not stable. (Later, it would turn out I had pneumonia and would be hospitalized for more than one week to recover.)
I told them I would only go - if they could guarantee I could keep my child with me - she was young, the light of my life and we were in a strange city, surrounded by strangers and I was very afraid...I had taken a Marine's daughter across state lines and was sure he would follow.
Sadly, they told me the baby would have to go to foster care - and I would have to go to court to get her back when released! NO! I couldn't leave her - and I refused any additional help.
The bus was boarding and one of the EMT's asked me if I would like him to get me something to eat quickly to take back to the bus. No, I answered, I had no money, but thank you. Emt's carried the baby to the bus and helped me reboard with a few whispered comments to the bus driver before leaving. I remember feeling completely adrift and beaten down. Depressed, hungry, and sick with another 2-days on the bus.
Minutes later, the EMT reappeared food in hand.
I was overcome with emotion - someone cared! As I began to cry, with his other hand, he withdrew money from his pocket and pressed it into my hand. The money - what seemed a fortune to me at the time - about $60 - was collected from the EMTs and Firemen who came to assist me in the first place!
Tears blur what I remember of this man’s face. What I do remember clearly, is the kindness and love of the civil servants from Birmingham; this is what remains after all these years.
What a beautiful testimony and gift was given to me that day!
I can't help but think this has a more profound life lesson for us all: When we assist others selflessly, in the course of a normal day, what lives on is not the clothes we wear, the car we drive or the amount of money we accumulate. What lives on - and is truly the essence of our faith - is the love we have shared.
In my walk, I strive to pass on the love shared with me; in the hopes, that it will ripple through someone's memory over time and create yet more ripples of love for someone else.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Where is Beauty?


Where Do You Find Beauty?

Beauty...sometimes takes the form of a white cloud, and goes dancing over the green fields or the deep blue sea, where her misty form, marked out in a momentary darkness, looks like the passing shadow of an angel's wing.
-G. A. Sala,
"Beauty of the Universe"

Some will argue beauty is a fleeting thing and worship the days of youth; it's days of lineless-glowing skin, long-flowing, vibrantly colored hair, and smooth-graceful movements...and to what end do we go to preserve this youth?

I prefer the honest face: one worn with soft wisdom, complete with lines of laughter, gray hair - bearing the trials and tribulations of life - gentle, understanding, and non-judgemental eyes.

I wonder at times: those that seek to cover the signs of passing youth, do they cover it in vanity? Do they cover the scars of their youth in deception, ashamed of what their face tells others?

We can plump our lips, color our hair and fill in the lines of knowledge learned, good and bad, but we can never hide what truly matters: the beauty of the soul. Our souls are where we have internalized our lessons learned. In the end, it is God who will decide who among us is truly beautiful; looking inside to find that beautiful, misty form of a growing spirit, touched by his love and made perfectly beautiful in grace.

Hands in Praise


Hands in Praise

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through
faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by
works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created
in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us
to do.”
Ephesians 2:8-10

A controversy still brews over Christians and good worksWill good works get you into
heaven? NO. style="font-weight:bold;">
Ephesians 2:1-10 states outright that doing good deeds will not give you redemption for your transgressions. Only God’s grace is capable of giving you pardon and once that pardon is received, no amount of good deeds can keep you in God’s favor.
Why then do so many Christians do good deeds? Why the mission trips, the teaching in local Sunday School classes, and small deeds such as taking an elderly neighbor her paper in the morning or stopping to help a stranded traveler?
If done as an outgrowth of our faith, these deeds come easily and naturally each day
of our lives; without fanfare, without reward, these are the tasks that bring joy. To the outside world in today’s society, many think it pointless to go out of their way for a stranger – sometimes even for family members, but this is a direct accusation of their character.
Good deeds performed by our hands are our
daily praise to Our Father. With our hands, we worship him through our

Middle Age


Middle Age

"One of the hardest decisions to make is when to start middle age."

I guess age is all a matter of perception. Our 17-year-old son came home the other night to tell us at dinner about the coolest teacher at school. It turns out the cool teacher was a 20-something art teacher - of course. Later in the meal, he spoke about an old boring guy who teaches - what else? History. When we asked how old he thought the "old guy" was, he replied,"40 or 45."
My husband and I glanced at each other across the the table, mouths, I'm sure, attractivly ajar.
"What?" We stumbled out...He just went on with his story, too engrossed in self to see his father and I whithering from old age - right before his eyes - at the dinner table.
At the age of 17, the late 40's are ancient. Jacob is sure his history teacher lived through much of it....hmmmm.
Thirty was okay for me, but 31 made me start thinking about getting older. After all, this is the age your OB reminds you that your eggs have now shifted into old age and pregnancy can be chancier.
By 40, I was beginning to staart to enjoy the respect given to a maturing woman and starting to feel more like "myself."
50 is around the corner and I've found the me I had looked for so intently in the 60's. Why didn't anyone tell my generation that you found yourself in your 50's?
Life is fabulous for me right now - I have done as good of job as I can at my marriage, raising my children and being a good person. I can definitely tell you what I like and don't like, what my political views are and how to bake a kickn' turkey for the holidays. What I can't tell you is where I last put my car keys.
It doesn't matter though. My husband and I are starting to travel, have grandchildren and enjoy getting to know each other "post children." It is like dating again!
I can't tell you where middle age is - but I can tell you I haven't reached that point yet!

Friday, September 9, 2022

Pebbles with a Purpose


Pebbles with a Purpose

(Please note that this was written several years ago, but still has relevancy for our lives today.)  

 Yesterday, my middle son, Jason, who is deployed in Afghanistan, called home. I look forward to each call, but for some reason, had him on my mind the evening before and. when I heard his voice, I  cried. I know he will come home. My fears are a mother's- fears. I want him to be happy. I want him to be warm. I want him to be full and I never, ever, want him to be lonely.
I rest assured he is in God's protective embrace.
   Prior to deploying, I made sure he had packed the Bible I marked for him to take to boot camp. It had the same passages I had marked for his eldest brother when he too, left for boot camp. Joseph had the occasion to begin a study group for recruits and I had high hopes for Jason and his Bible as well! Armed with these passages:
 ~ John 3:16
 ~ The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12
 ~ The 10 Commandments (Exodus 20: 1-17)
  I also marked several familiar "children's stories" for the boys. Stories that when read as men, are much more than stories - they become promises.
   Jason is a corpsman and he is stationed in a remote region with a rather small contingent of Americans at a joint base with Georgians. It is not a glamorous base and because they are small in number, a Chaplain is not among them on a regular basis. It was important to me to remind Jason that the patients he saw might need much more than their wounds tended to - he might be called to provide succor for their souls as well.
  Jason is in an extreme situation, which we may never encounter, however, many ill winds swirl around us today. It is easy to focus on war and economics, crime and pollution, politicians, and loneliness. There are no easy answers. Some days, I would like to withdraw completely, but I feel that each of us is a pebble. PEBBLES WITH A PURPOSE.
   While here on earth, we are called to be kind to each other - in minute and not so minute ways - making small ripples in our pond and sometimes large SPLASHES by our gentleness and loving. The catch is, that we, for the most part, NEVER know when we ripple or SPLASH!
  We just find the courage to carry on through the truth we KNOW about God's love that it is miraculously and flawlessly given to us to pass to others. It is a promise kept with no strings. Everyday. Just for YOU. Pass it on.


Thursday, September 8, 2022

Always Have Hope


"But as for me, I will always have hope:

  I will praise you more and more." Psalm 71:14

   You know, today, it is increasingly difficult to maintain hope. Some reading this may be without work, a support system, or missing their family members and friends. The isolation has, I am sure, kicked up plenty of old habits and addictions, drinking, drug use, and more. It all makes the landscape look plenty bleak and unescapable - doesn't it?
   Some people, on the other hand, have found this time a source of renewal and reflection; even a time of great production! What could possibly be the difference? 
   For me, it is GOD. I know, no matter what ill winds blow, he has my family in His hands. We are well. We have enough food. Even if we don't have all we WANT, we have all we need, and MORE!
   I pray for YOU, this day, to have the peace of KNOWING. Of BELIEVING. YOU are special and loved.
   PRAISE GOD, who sits on high!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I Am My Neighbor's Bible

I am my neighbor's bible
He reads me when we meet
Today he read me in my home
Tomorrow in the street

He may be a relative or a friend
Or slight acquaintance be
He may not even know my name
Yet, he is reading me

So, I'll watch my steps where ere they go
And my eyes what they may see
And all the words forth from my lips
Because someone is reading me

I'll try my best to do God's will
And be what He wants me to be
An all seeing eye is looking down
And I know He's reading me

And so my God, who reads us all
Knows me from A to Z
And when I meet him on Judgment Day
He'll still be reading me

But if I do all of these things
Just so someone may see
And works not prompted by my love
I'll never be set free

© 1996 Dorothy Keeling

Connie Newbauer, Author


It is so very nice of you to stop by! It's nice to meet you.It is my hope that you will find something on my blog today that will make you laugh, or give you hope, or strengthen you on your walk today.

I've been writing for more than 40 years in more than one way or another.

I'm a proud mother of six grown children, now a grandmother of fourteen. I'm a serial volunteer, a Sunday School teacher among them, a Special Educator of the Visually Impaired, an Educational Journalist, a Theatrical Marketing Director, an Assistant Director of Marketing at a Science museum, and finally, a school district Director of Marketing and Communications, writing across media in print, television and radio. Whew! That's a lot to pack into one life ... and I'm still going. 

I'm on to my next adventure. I've written 30 kidlit books and am currently looking for representation!

I feel like there is so much more to discover out there ... let's do it together!

Water Your Weeds!

   When each spring comes, my garden looks like a forgotten bed of weeds, beaten down by heavy Wisconsin snow and covered by layers of falle...